Career Paths

What options are waiting for you after certification?

As a newly certified CSR, you'll have plenty of opportunities knocking at your door. Having a vision for where you would like your career to take you will give direction to your decision making process. 

As a CSR, you'll be able to take depositions within a firm or as an independent CSR. Firms provide resources and services to their court reporters and have experience in training newly certified reporters. Firms often have pre-existing relationships with courthouses in the area and will often provide recommendation letters if you are applying for an official ship. Independents gain more control over working hours, pricing, and clients but it comes with the cost of handling these aspects on your own. In both instances, you will most likely be filing a 1099, have control over when you work, and subsequently control over how much money you make.

As an official, your hours will be set by the judge and you will likely be filing a W-2. Being a salaried employee with benefits is a big lure for many reporters. Judges are typically looking for experienced reporters who have the ability to write real-time to the bench.

Another option will be CART and closed captioning. A real time reporters paradise where you'll never have to worry about backlog. These jobs require a high degree of skill and are paid through contracts with hospitals, schools, firms, and/or networks. When you are deciding where you would like to work just after certification, keep your vision in mind and ask how this job will launch you towards your ultimate goals. On a side note, these options are not mutually exclusive. Mix and match the options to create a career path perfectly suited for your ambitions.

Permian Court Reporters is extremely invested in helping newly certified reporters reach their goals. With our contacts across the state, we are always happy to help our reporters make the connections that will launch their careers. Call Permian today and we would be happy to talk to you about your plans and share advice on what you can do right now to get started on your journey.

Disclaimer: This article is intended as an educational introduction for court reporting students. This article should not be construed as legal advice, tax advice, or as an addition/substitute to the rules regarding court reporters.


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