Mark Kislingbury Academy of Court Reporting
In 2019, Permian Court Reporters partnered with the Mark Kislingbury Academy of Court Reporting. This partnership is revolutionizing the court reporting field and will help Permian and MK Academy grow the industry. Growing the supply of court reporters in our area gives MK Academy access to a new student base and accelerates students’ path to certification. Students enrolled in the Permian branch of MK Academy are following the exact same curriculum as the main branch in Houston.
Permian simply facilitates the classes and provides additional career resources to the students. This partnership enhances the student experience and provides them with a deeper understanding of the field prior to certification.
Court reporting enrollment
To learn more, please give Brandon a call. If you would like to get your application started, email Christina, MK Academy Director, and let her know you’re interested in enrolling in the Midland satellite.